How to Search and Filter Work Requests on Workspace

How to Search and Filter Work Requests on Workspace

This article is for all the Users on iviva.facility Workspace-Work Request portal and how they can search and filter the Work Requests according to their requirements.

iviva.facility Workspace-Work Request portal, provides a Search page for you to easily filter your Work Requests using several given filters. You also can filter the work requests by different stages.

Note: If it is required, you can get your filtering options on the Workspace-Work Request portal customized. E.g. Adding only the required Filters on your homepage.


How to Search for Work Requests using Filters

Here is a quick image that shows how you can search for Work Requests using filters.


Check out this quick video on how you can search for Work Requests using the given filters.


How to Filter Work Requests by Different Stages

Check out this quick image on how you can filter work requests by different stages.

How to Filter Work Requests Based on Your Tasks

Check out this quick image on how you can filter work requests based on your Tasks.


TIP: At each filter, the count of work requests will be displayed in blue color. If the filter does not have any work requests matching, the count will be displayed as zero.

TIP: My WR Tasks menu displays the total count of Work Requests associated with the logged-in user.

How to View Details of a Work Request

You can refer to the full  detail view of a Work Request from iviva Work Space-Work Request.

This section explains how to open the full view of a Work Request detail page.

  1. On the Workspace-Work Request App, use the required filter to get the matching work request list.
  2. Click on the required work request record to view its detail page on the sidebar on the right.
  3. Click on the WR ID to open the full detail view of the Work Request detail page, E.g.,WR2454645.

How to Filter Work Requests on Mobile

Here is how you can filter Work Requests on mobile.