How to Set up Helpdesk Staff to Acknowledge Work Requests

How to Set up Helpdesk Staff to Acknowledge Work Requests

Helpdesk Staff plays an important role in the maintenance process in many organizations.

If you already have a dedicated staff (Facility staff members) as your Helpdesk to mediate the Requesters and the Facility Team, it’s essential to assign them as Helpdesk staff in iviva.facility.

Let’s see how you can convert configured Facility Staff members as Helpdesk staff in iviva.facility maintenance process.

  1. There are two ways to set up your Help Desk staff:
    1. Click the Set up Helpdesk Staff button on your Welcome email.
    2. Click Configure Help Desk Staff under the Organization section on the Data Configuration page.
  2. On the Helpdesk Staff configuration page,
    1. Click New Helpdesk Staff button. Facility Team search window will open.
    2. Search for the required Helpdesk staff member by typing their name under Search Facility Team Staff.
    3. Click the name of the Facility Team staff member to designate them as a Helpdesk staff in iviva.facility.